Coaching Consulting Research Journalism
Remember, there are only two days that nothing can be done: one is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.
Dalai Lama
Remember, there are only two days that nothing can be done: one is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.
Dalai Lama

Stress Management
Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand (Selye, 1956). In fact, stress is a survival mechanism. It is not necessarily bad but rather depends on the perception and reaction to what causes stress, a stressor. Usually, people adapt to stress fairly well, unless it causes a significant disruption of their balance. It can happen if the level of stress is repeatedly or continuously high, so that the person is no more able to handle it. This allostatic level differs individually. Psychological distress in response to critical incidents is considered to be psychological crisis (Everly & Mitchell, 2008).
I would be happy to help you with your stress related issues. I approach the issue of stress holistically. My work is based on profound academic research and involves continuous training and insights from diverse areas, i.e. CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management), Selye's research on stress, relaxation techniques, stress questionnaires, trauma informed interventions, expressive arts therapy, Fogel's research on embodiment, to name a few. I am a member of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and CISM Certified.
For an initial free of charge, confidential in-person conversation, please reach out to me via phone +41 78 910 25 73 or email nb@psycounselling.com and we will talk over your individual or organisational situation, preventive interventions or possible solutions to existing issues.
Some of the topics include:
General stress management
Coping with stressful events and situations
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Psychological First Aid (PFA)
Individuals and Group Crisis Interventions
Stress and burnout
Traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress symptoms
Workplace health assessment
Please have a look at the variety of articles, thought and advice impulses on stress in the News & Thoughts section.