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In order to provide you with profound insights into your personality and how to make sense of it in your private and professional environment, I conduct and facilitate scientifically proven personality assessments, which I am certified to use by the British Psychological Society and European Federation of Psychologists' Associations as well as by the respective publishes of these inventories. These well-established assessments add value in hiring, promotion and development decisions as well as in making an informed choice of the future occupation and employer.

NEO personality inventory

NEO-PI-3 personality inventory has been developed by Costa & McCrae and is being published by Hogrefe, one of the leading publishers of psychometric assessments. The NEO-PI-3 is a normative trait personality assessment based on decades of factor analytic research on the structure of personality, which has been consistently replicated across cultures. The NEO-PI-3 is the most recent edition of a series of NEO inventories dating back to the mid-1980s. It is considered to be “the gold standard” in personality assessment and is often used as a comparison in the development of new tools. The assessment measures the five broad domains of personality (the “Big Five”). These five personality traits and respective six facets of each of the five traits measured by this psychometric assessment are:


  • Extraversion (the extent to which the individual invests energy into various aspects of the external environment), with the Extraversion facets Friendliness, Sociability, Assertiveness, Pace, Excitement Seeking, and Positive Outlook.

  • Agreeableness (the role the individual adopts in relationships that affects the extent to which their decisions and actions are typically influenced by the perspectives, concerns and opinions of others), with the Agreeableness facets Trust, Straightforwardness, Altruism, Compliance, Modesty, and Compassion.

  • Openness (the tendency to proactively seek new experience for its own sake), with the Openness facets Openness to Imagination, Openness to Aesthetics, Openness to Feelings, Openness to New Activities, Openness to Ideas, and Openness to Values.

  • Conscientiousness (strength of purpose and drive to goal accomplishment), with the Conscientiousness facets Self-Belief, Order, Sense of Duty, Achievement Striving, Self-Discipline, and Deliberation.

  • Emotional Reactivity or Neuroticism (reported frequency and intensity of various emotions associated with discomfort or threat), with the Neuroticism facets Apprehension, Frustration, Despondency, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, and Stress Proneness.


The Big Five personality traits are sometimes abbreviated as OCEAN (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism). 

Primary Colours® Leadership Report
Primary Colours® Leadership Report based on the NEO-PI-3 aims to enhance your understanding of how your personality helps and hinders you in developing leadership competence. It explores your appetite for leadership, the style of leadership thinking to which you are temperamentally most suited, and how aspects of your natural style can increase or reduce both your general effectiveness as a leader and your potential effectiveness in dealing with specific leadership tasks.


The report is being jointly created by Hogrefe Ltd, the publisher of the NEO-PI-3, and Edgecumbe Consulting Group Ltd. The Primary Colours® Leadership Model was created by David Pendleton and is a registered trademark of Edgecumbe Consulting Group Ltd. This model is being used by some of world's best business schools. 

Edgecumbe’s research and consulting experience of working with leaders over more than twenty-five years indicates that there are three domains in which leadership operates: strategic, operational and interpersonal. These domains can be likened to different parts of the human body:

  • The strategic domain is the head: it makes sense of what is going on, envisages the organisation’s future and creates plans to take it forward. 

  • The operational domain represents the hands and legs: it gets things done, achieves results and drives the organisation forward. Its principal capability is determination or willpower. 

  • The interpersonal domain is the heart: it is where feelings reside and relationships are maintained. Its principal capability is the ability to form and sustain relationships: it is occasionally called emotional intelligence.

Within and overlapping these domains are seven tasks that leaders are typically required to do:

  • Setting Strategic Direction – defining the purpose and direction of an organisation, the unique activities which the organisation will carry out, and/or unique approaches to delivering those activities. This involves deploying either deductive, analytical processes, or creative and inductive processes, to address longer-term and organisation-wide issues. Strategic thinking also concerns radical and original thinking and sound analysis of contextual issues in addressing the organisation’s future.

  • Creating Alignment – securing understanding of and commitment to the organisation’s vision, mission and strategy. The same task may also relate to the building of commitment to programmes and initiatives. This is a matter of influence and persuasion whether individually, in teams, or in larger groups.

  • Planning and Organising – putting in place structures, plans and processes that keep people focused on priorities and clear about how to deliver the organisation’s goals. This includes establishing and using follow-up and review processes and mechanisms for dealing with unexpected events, balancing the integrity of the plans and processes with flexibility in the face of potential threats.

  • Building and Sustaining Relationships – forming robust and effective relationships with all key stakeholder groups. This includes building and maintaining trust, credibility and goodwill.

  • Team Working – working well and getting things done in teams. Teams include hierarchical teams of manager and subordinates, peer groups and ad-hoc working parties, and project teams. At a senior level, this task includes creating and disbanding teams and helping them work effectively.

  • Delivering Results – driving individuals, teams and organisations to deliver the results they need to achieve. This involves overcoming opposition and injecting pace and urgency into performance. It has a hard edge of insistence and assertion and a strong will to succeed.

  • Leading – creating the conditions for the organisation, teams and individuals to succeed. Leadership may be demonstrated through: inspiring confidence, trust and commitment; focusing efforts; enabling individuals and groups; reinforcing the right behaviours; and helping individuals and groups to learn. Leading is most importantly ensuring the right leadership contribution is made in the current and changing circumstances. This may well involve allowing others to take a lead when their leadership abilities in a specific area are stronger than one’s own.

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